Wednesday, April 21, 2010

IKEA Engagement Sessions

We all know (from this post) I have a small obsession with IKEA.  So imagine my utter jubiliation when I stumbled across these engagement sessions @ IKEA!

UGH! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!

Check out some of the teasers...

Sarah Maren Photography

Cinematic by David M

And even though I couldn't swipe another great picture, here the link from an IKEA shoot from Thomas Ward Photography

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Peep Toe of Color

Over the last few years, brides have gotten away from the traditional pointy-toe, white slingback.  What have they replaced it with you may ask? A pop of color and loads of personality!

Brides are taking advantage of underutilized creative real estate and adding pops of colors to the pumps and peep toes of their choosing.

Take a look!

Row 1: Corry Parris Photography, Sedona Bride; Row 2: AMB Photo Company, Kelly O'Shiro Events

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Want a Jaw-Dropping Ceremony Idea?

Recently I've been swooning over the idea of wedding ceremonies held under large, aged trees.  There is something about them that screams enchanting and whimsical.

Row 1: Bustle, Polka Dot Bride, JanyandDave, Project: 10K Wedding; Row 2: Native Escapes, Bridal Inquirer, Sakura Photography

I think the other reason I'm totally in love with the idea of "meeting me down at the old oak tree" is because of its symbolism.  These trees have stood the test of time.  Weathered the storms.  And despite it all, it's still standing, reaching toward the heavens, and it's roots, firmly planted in the ground.

Who wouldn't want the foundation of a marriage based on those things?